Self-worth often seems elusive because we base it on elusive things – things like what we do, what we have, or how others treat us. Our sense of value flourishes when we succeed and plummets when we fail. Possessions aren’t any better at producing reliable worth – they rust or get lost or lose their luster. And other’s responses to us? They’re equally undependable. Being praised may boost our ego, but scorn? Scorn can cause us to seriously question ourselves.
Do you delight in who you are? I don’t mean some sort of abstract feeling that you’re probably okay. I mean joy. Most of us never come close to joy, particularly about ourselves. Instead we tend to identify with every ugly thing we do. We think our successes (or flaws) define us. God disagrees … and offers us a more solid alternative.
In this practical, thoughtful, on-target, and warmly personal book you will discover God’s path from shame to joy. You will find a dependable worth that never fades.
Preview Grappling with Your Identity with a look at its Table of Contents and its Section Summaries

Have you ever thought about the similarities between sex and worship? God has, and He explains His parallels quite explicitly. This book in progress explores His ideas. In it we will consider the presence of intimacy, passion, and pleasure in both physical and spiritual realms. I hope to challenge you to think in some new ways about this fascinating subject.
I plan to complete a first draft this coming summer. Pray, if you would, that I will write with clarity, impact and accuracy.
Preview Weddings & Worship with a look at its Table of Contents.

Eden was a place of abundance. God provided extravagantly for Adam and Eve’s needs and delight. Yet, in the midst of such plenty, the evil one was able to trick them into feeling deprived.
He plays the same trick on us, a trick that lies behind all sin. How did he – and does he – do it? That’s the subject of this upcoming book.
Preview Deceit & Desire with a look at its Table of Contents.
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