Visiting Eden
Topic Description

Typically we form our opinions about God from what we see, and there’s some validity to our method – the visible world does reveal God’s presence and power. But the visible world also deludes us; what we now see is not God’s original work. The original happened in Eden, and in Eden that original was warped.
In this series of posts highlighting Eden, you’ll find the fruit of my years of wrestling with the first chapters of Genesis. I love this section of scripture! These “garden chapters” give us the foundation on which the entire Bible depends. They also reveal God’s character in startling and mesmerizing ways. I suspect you’ll meet a God who differs from your expectations. You’re in for a treat.
Visiting Eden has changed many lives, including my own. I pray these visits to Eden will change your life as well.
I’ve divided the Visiting Eden Series into four parts: God Brings Life, God Gives Lavishly, God Guarantees Victory, and God Offers Grace.
Click the links below to see what’s been posted in each part of this ongoing series.